Building Strong Tenant Relations: Enhancing Communication and Satisfaction

Building Strong Tenant Relations: Enhancing Communication and Satisfaction

It doesn't take much for someone to hold a grudge against you. Worse, grudges tend to linger for years. Psychologists have discovered that the average person holds a grudge for about five years, minimum.

The same applies to tenant relations, even if it's only a business transaction. Little misunderstandings or unintentional offenses can embitter even the best tenants. What are the best tenant practices to make sure it never gets to that point?

If you're looking for property management tips to improve communication and satisfaction, you've come to the right place. Here are a few ways you can make that dynamic flourish in San Antonio, TX.

Tenant Relations Need Frequent, Clear Communication

It's hard for those misunderstandings and offenses to happen with a clear line of communication. So the first tip is to be consistent with your correspondence.

Send regular texts or emails, and make regular calls. Check up on your tenant and ask if they're OK, or if there's anything you can do.

Respond on Time

It's important to respond in a timely matter. This shows that you care, especially if it's a matter like maintenance.

Most people expect you to reply to an email within a business day. It's probably safe to say that metric applies to landlord-tenant communication.

Act on Your Tenant's Words

Of course, it's not just about responding in a timely manner. What you do about the things your tenants say is just as important. If they tell you their birthday is next week, sending a text to say happy birthday shows you were listening.

Be Prompt with Requests

Doing what is asked of you is the best way to retain those valuable tenants and improve relations. So if your tenant complains about a broken AC, fix it within a reasonable timeframe. Taking months to do so is certain to sour any goodwill they have for you.

Use an Online Portal

While you may appreciate the importance of frequent, prompt communication, it's not easy. It takes a lot of mental energy and bandwidth to stay on the horn when needed. To make things easier for yourself, get an online portal to manage your properties.

Online Portals Automate Tedious Things

The biggest benefit of an online portal is that it automates verbal agreements that might otherwise be forgotten. So for example, a request for better security and access goes to the request section. You'll get automated reminders and have a handy, organized place for your rental to-do list.

Enhancing Tenant Satisfaction with PMI

Tenant relations are practically as important as the rent they give you. Be consistent and frequent with your communication, and do what they ask of you. For anything beyond the pleasantries, get an online portal to streamline maintenance and requests - and so on.

PMI First SA Properties in San Antonio, Texas, uses its 20 years of experience to make you - and your tenants - happy. We help maximize your investment and give your tenants what they need. Find out how much you could be earning with our free rental calculator.
